Please NOTE:  MOJO Makers Founders Group is limited to only 100 people  
MOJO Maker for Women in Tech
founders Application
I'm looking for a few women in tech
who DREAM of possibility like I do
The Technology sector has been a tough place for women to thrive during the last 40 years.
There is a stampede of women heading for the exit in Tech. 
I dream of changing that
I dream of sharing strategies that work with women who want to put those strategies to work for themselves and for others.

I dream of creating Tech workplaces that are truly inclusive.

I dream of women who realize all that depends on each one of us, those who are ready to stand on my shoulders,
so that others can stand on theirs.
There is a stampede heading for the door.

Women have had it with the old boy’s culture of silicon valley.
And are voting with their feet because they tired of being talked over, passed over, underrecognized, and under-compensated. Women are done with working 3 times harder than their colleagues just to stay in one place.
That’s why I made MOJO Maker for Women in Tech and launched the podcast by the same name.  

I’m on a mission to stem the stampede of women leaving the Tech industry through training, group, and 1:1 coaching programs that will help you get recognized, promoted and the compensation you deserve.

Even though women only make up about 18% of the Tech workforce, if we work together and form the shoulders for the next generation of diverse technologies to stand on, we will make a huge impact toward reversing the trend of women leaving Tech and creating a more diverse, inclusive and equitable workplace from the inside out..

If this resonates with you, I’m inviting you to apply to join me in this quest by becoming a founder of the MOJO Maker for Women in Tech community today. We can make that difference. Click the link to apply and be part of the solution.
Making career advancements is so much easier when I have people who trust me and advocate for me, and people who listen to me and speak truth to me and celebrate me. This program has helped me understand the value of these types of relationships and has held me accountable for building them. I've learned the true power of a network and the value in sharing my experiences with other women.
Denver, Colorado
If you Care about creating meaningful impact in tech
This is the tribe that you must join
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First, we will get on the phone and go over critical skills that are most important to your future...


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NEXT - What's In it for YOU?

Assessment & Coaching

Your personalized Six Human Needs Assessment gives you the foundation to knowing yourself, taking down barriers, and influencing others in ways that build them up.


You'll be part of a vibrant online community of like-minded women and allies that meets for a group coaching call each month, shares tips and advice in a private group and has early access to all our trainings that will be rocket fuel for your career.

Courses to Ensure Your Success

All of the MOJO Maker for Women in Tech courses are available to you on demand... with new courses added monthly.  Each course designed to be taken from anywhere at anytime.
As a member of the Founders Group for MOJO Maker in Women in Tech, you have the opportunity to develop your own skills while shaping the program for the next generation of women in Tech.

Are you as disturbed by the status of women in Tech as I am?  You can do something about it - while doing something amazing for yourself. 
1-on-1 coaching
Just for this founder group THE FIRST 25 to SIGN UP get a monthly 1:1 call to discuss your goals, ideas, and inspirations to help you move forward while you are paying it forward for others.
don't just take our word for it
praise from clients
I believe that you can become what you cannot see.

I believe in the power of potential to overcome any obstacle and in the power of community to help with obstacles that are the product of brotopia culture, racism, misogyny, and limiting beliefs.
This club is not for you if...
If you believe in blaming to handle your discomfort.

If you believe other people are just no good, and are  incompetent, ill-intended, and nefarious.

If you believe others should validate your "safe problems" that keep you from moving forward.
  • Not for you if: Brotopia is someone else's problem. 
  •  Not for you if: You don't have broad shoulders.
  •  Not for you if: You aren't an action taker.
Here's a quick biography about Karen...
  • Graduate MS Comp Sci: As a mommy of two young children..
  •  Serve at C-Level: For multiple iconic brands...
  •  Thinks Different: As a 98% Right Brained Technologist...
  •  Best selling author: 3 books on Cybersecurity...
  •  Started her own company: in 2007...
  •  During her sabbatical served as Chaplain: at the VA...
  •  Is a Master Coach: for cyber pros and technologists...