There is a stampede heading for the door.
Women have had it with the old boy’s culture of silicon valley.
And are voting with their feet because they tired of being talked over, passed over, underrecognized, and under-compensated. Women are done with working 3 times harder than their colleagues just to stay in one place.
That’s why I made MOJO Maker for Women in Tech and launched the podcast by the same name.
I’m on a mission to stem the stampede of women leaving the Tech industry through training, group, and 1:1 coaching programs that will help you get recognized, promoted and the compensation you deserve.
Even though women only make up about 18% of the Tech workforce, if we work together and form the shoulders for the next generation of diverse technologies to stand on, we will make a huge impact toward reversing the trend of women leaving Tech and creating a more diverse, inclusive and equitable workplace from the inside out..
If this resonates with you, I’m inviting you to apply to join me in this quest by becoming a founder of the MOJO Maker for Women in Tech community today. We can make that difference. Click the link to apply and be part of the solution.